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Behm Law Group, Bankruptcy Attorneys

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Thirteen Facts about Chapter 13 (Part Two) in the Mankato Minnesota Area

September 26th, 2015 · No Comments

Welcome back scholars in the Mankato Minnesota area! Today, we’ll be completing our study guide of thirteen facts about Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Before we get started, let’s have a brief moment to review. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often called a “wage earner’s plan” because debtors are offered the opportunity to repay debts. This gives them approximately 3-5 years to repay creditors and, during that time, they must typically be employed.

So, now, let’s learn a little bit more about Chapter 13:

1. Q: Other than the creditor and debtor, who else is involved in filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
A: Typically, a neutral trustee must be involved in the filing.

2. Q: Are co-debtors protected under Chapter 13?
A: Yes, co-debtors are protected. Creditors are restricted from collecting “consumer debt” from anyone liable on a debt with the individual debtor. A creditor can get relief from the bankruptcy court to pursue a co-debtor if good cause warrants such relief.

3. Q: What is “consumer debt,” exactly?
A: The term “consumer debt” refers to individual debts acquired for personal, familial, or household reasons.

4. Q: What are the types of claims related to Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
A: There are three types of claims involved:
• Priority claims: These claims have a special status within bankruptcy law, and they include claims regarding taxes and filing costs.
• Secured claims: Creditors who have these claims have collateral securing the debts that they can take from a debtor if the debtor does not make payments.
• Unsecured claims: Creditors who have these claims do not have collateral securing the claims that they can take if a debtor does not make payments.

5. Q: What happens if a debtor is unable to pay?
A: Their Chapter 13 filing may be converted to a Chapter 7 filing instead or it may be dismissed.

6. Q: Can a debtor be discharged from Chapter 13 after repaying debts?
A: Yes, but only if the debtor has completed all payments required under the debtor’s chapter 13 plan, if the debtor has not received a chapter 13 discharge within 2 years before the present case was started, and if the debtor has taken a course in financial management.

Well, this concludes our two-week course in Chapter 13 bankruptcy! If you live in the Mankato Minnesota area and believe all this studying has prepared you for your own filing, contact the professionals at Behm Law Group Ltd. today.

Tags: Bankruptcy Information ·


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